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The future of Television & Video landscape in the next decade

The future of Television & Video landscape in the next decade Introduction: A market on the move “On-demand-services will disrupt the TV and video industry”, “New market players such as Netflix or Amazon will soon replace traditional broadcasters”, “Consumers’ demand for TV and video consumption is fundamentally changing”: established players are being increasingly confronted with horror news about their own positioning within the future TV and video landscape But will these dramatic predictions really come true? TV and video are indeed facing much uncertainty, and the extent of change in the sector is hard to foresee. Streaming services no longer serve as just a platform for movies and TV shows, they are also investing in producing and licensing their own content. This places them in direct competition with the traditional TV and video industry. At the same time, TV channels and media organizations are starting their own on-demand offerings. Also, large content producers ar

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